Running fussy vintage in modern times

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Meet the woman behind Fussy Vintage, a secondhand vintage clothing shop based in Barry, UK. From being a businesswoman to a fashionista, Yvette Clark is a woman of many hats and has a lot to share with Disgraceful in this personal interview.

SK: Firstly, we’d like to get to know you. What’s your name, what kind of shop do you run, and where in the UK are you based?

Clark: Hey! I’m Yvette, owner of Fussy Vintage. My shop is located in a converted train carriage at the Goodsheds in Barry, Wales. At Fussy Vintage, I specialise in offering unique, one-off vintage pieces handpicked by me. It’s a passion of mine to curate a collection that captures the essence of past eras while celebrating individual style. If you’re looking for something different that nobody else will be wearing, and isn’t mass-produced, then come visit for a unique independent shopping experience.

SK: How did you get started with Fussy Vintage? What’s the story behind it?

Clark: I’ve always been mad about vintage clothing, finding something unique and special that nobody else will have – I find it so boring looking through racks of the same cheap polyester crap clothing in big chain shops and much prefer visiting unique boutiques and indie shops that offer a more personal and curated shopping experience. So I created Fussy Vintage – full of passion for unique fashion and the need for something different! 

During lockdown in 2020, I was made redundant from my mundane recruitment job which gave me the perfect opportunity to take a leap and pursue something I had always loved and wanted to do – open a vintage shop.

Before Fussy Vintage, I’d always been selling vintage on various platforms like Depop, eBay, and local markets, juggling it alongside full-time jobs that never fulfilled me. After living in Barcelona and discovering all the vibrant, confident European clothes, the people and the styles they wear, I wanted to bring this vibe back to Wales.

Starting with an Instagram account called “wakiki.wear,” dedicated solely to vintage swimwear, most of it found in huge market piles in Barcelona, I began connecting with customers who shared my enthusiasm for unique, colourful pieces. It made me so excited and I realised I wanted to expand beyond swimwear and delve into the world of vintage clothing as a whole, and that’s how Fussy Vintage was born… It has been an incredible journey and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to do what I love and bring a touch of nostalgia and style to the world of sustainable fashion.

SK: Why should we choose to shop vintage?

Clark: Shopping vintage offers a multitude of reasons why it’s a fantastic choice for conscious consumers. Firstly, vintage shops provide a curated selection of clothing, handpicked with care to offer unique and one-of-a-kind pieces. Each item has its own story and character, allowing you to express your individuality and stand out from the crowd.

Vintage is a sustainable choice. By giving new life to pre-loved garments, you contribute to reducing the demand for fast fashion production, which is notorious for its harmful environmental impact. Vintage shopping helps to extend the lifespan of clothing, preventing it from ending up in landfills and reducing the overall carbon footprint of the fashion industry.

Moreover, vintage fashion allows us to embrace timeless styles and eras. Today, many contemporary designs draw inspiration from bygone eras, but they are often mass-produced, made with cheap materials, and associated with unethical labour practices. In contrast, vintage pieces offer authentic craftsmanship, quality materials, and a sense of nostalgia. They allow us to celebrate the beauty of the past while avoiding the negative aspects of modern fast fashion.

By choosing to shop vintage, you make a conscious decision to support a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry. You contribute to reducing waste, promoting circular fashion, and supporting local and independent businesses. With each vintage purchase, you are not only enhancing your personal style but also making a positive impact on the world, one garment at a time.

SK: What advice do you have for women who are trying to start their business?

Clark: Go for it! Starting your own business entails a significant lifestyle change, transitioning from a full-time job to being self-employed. It can be challenging to be your own motivator, but when you work in your passion, it becomes easier. Be true to yourself, embrace your uniqueness, and seize every opportunity that comes your way. Don’t try to fit into a narrative that isn’t yours. Embrace your uniqueness and let it shine in your business.

SK: Any fashion tips or style secrets you’d like to share?

Clark: Don’t be like everybody else and copy what’s trending or what others are wearing. Focus on expressing your individuality and wear what makes you feel confident and comfortable each day. Don’t get caught up in brands or trends. Embrace your unique style by trying different colours, experimenting with vintage pieces, and being unapologetically yourself. Wear what the hell you want, and let others stare. Confidence is the key to rocking any outfit.

SK: Lastly, is there anything else you feel like sharing with us (social media links, etc.)?

Clark: Thank you! In addition to running Fussy Vintage, I also organise the Barry Vintage Market, a monthly event held at the Goodsheds in Barry. I’m proud to bring together a creative collaboration of vintage and independent traders, offering a diverse range of unique and sustainable market stalls. If you’re interested, follow @BarryVintageMarket for more information. Next market is Sunday, July 2nd. And of course, don’t forget to show some love to @FussyVintage, my shop! Thank you for your support!”

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