I’m not kidding when I say Disgraceful was formed from an idea I had in a lockdown queue for Tesco. 

I wanted to create a platform where women could write whatever they wanted; where they could find their voices, be inquisitive and experiment. But I think what has ensured Disgraceful’s success is the mutual appreciation, from every woman involved, for space and time to be expressive. 

Censorship doesn’t exist here; we only ever edit articles for grammar, spelling and clarity. For our readers and writers, they can trust us to publish words from women who share experiences which are relatable, unfiltered and honest. And I think that’s what makes this publication and online space so special. 

Reclaiming the word

Throughout history, women have been called ‘disgraceful’ for being too confident, expressive or loud; for feeling sexual, liberated and independent. It’s a word that has become synonymous with actions that don’t align with societal stereotypes; it’s a word to describe a woman who refused to confine. And that’s why we use it. 

Our Values


Our articles are produced and submitted by our readers, offering students and graduates barrier- free opportunities to becoming published writers. We are proud to publish diverse stories told by a great variety of interesting and thoughtful voices. 


We are bold, opinionated and resilient; we are loud, expressive and honest. Our voices exist to be heard and we share our experiences with authenticity. It’s this authenticity that inspires our content, workshops and the resources we provide to our community.


Our resources and workshops are distributed to our community free of charge. Even the smallest of price-points may be inaccessible to our readership, so we wanted to ensure that those who need our advice and support are able to access it without trouble.


We distribute the majority of our content digitally to reduce our carbon footprint and to keep costs low. However, when we do provide printed resources, we work with a carbon-negative print house and use recycled materials, including paper and packaging.


What is a community interest company? 

A community interest company is a special type of limited company which exists to benefit the community rather than private shareholders. As a CIC, everything we do is driven by our community purpose to support and educate women through insightful stories and informative resources.

How can I join the team?

Disgraceful Magazine is a non-profit CIC which means our in-house team and contributors currently work with us on a voluntary basis. For more information on how to write for us, click here. 

Do you offer printed copies?

Unfortunately, we no longer offer printed or downloadable copies of Disgraceful Magazine. However, you can download previous issues here. 

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