Lounge Underwear has launched its annual #FEELYOURBREAST campaign and we are obsessed

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This campaign sets a precedent for fashion brands everywhere – you need to take representation seriously and be seriously clear on your values.

Lounge Underwear via their LinkedIn

Lounge Underwear have launched their annual breast cancer awareness campaign, #FEELYOURBREAST, to encourage their customers to check their breasts or pecs for signs of Breast Cancer. 

Posting across their social media accounts, Lounge Underwear announced the campaign alongside a promotion where customers can get two free thongs when they spend £40 or more. 

A pretty bargain, right? 

And to top it off, with every purchase received in October, Lounge has pledged to donate £5 to The Lounge Foundation, which has raised over £620,000 for its partner charities.

The social media campaign was accompanied by a series of images of women proudly wearing the brand’s signature pink thong. 

Photographing over twenty women, the series of images celebrate women of all shapes and sizes. There are plus-sized women, women of colour, women with visible scars and a woman with a stoma. 

These images are empowering, and this entire campaign is a prime example of putting your values into action. Lounge Underwear really give a shit about representation, and this is proof. 

Alongside the social media campaign, Lounge have published a page on their website encouraging women to check their boobs. The website page details changes women should look out for while checking their breasts. 

From lumps and bumps to changes in texture or nipple discharge, Lounge says women should check their breasts regularly and provides instructions on how to do so. 

‘Your bouncy bits deserve the best’, according to Lounge Underwear and we agree. 

This is a top-tier campaign, and we are obsessed. 

Fashion brands need to take note – THIS is how you do it. 

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