Going beyond the horoscope: How my astrological journey reshaped my perspective

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Understanding astrology on a profound level can be challenging for those who have dismissed it as hokum or a non-science. The narrative surrounding horoscopes often revolves around skepticism, with many considering them a mere work of fiction lacking tangible scientific rationale. Personally, my encounters with horoscopes have been limited to moments of romantic turmoil (sigh), seeking answers online in an attempt to decipher the source of the issue. While some turn to religion or seek advice from friends during such times, I found a modicum of solace in, dare I say it, horoscopes.

 The use of the past tense here is twofold: firstly, because I no longer engage in this practice, and secondly, because over the past few years, I have emerged unscathed from the sporadic reliance on arbitrary horoscopes and leveled up my understanding of myself through a more in-depth version of astrology.

You may already be familiar with the idea that horoscopes revolve around a person’s Sun Sign, but what might be less known is that each individual has multiple signs. Exploring your full Natal Chart unveils the complete tapestry of your birth chart, illustrating the positions of the sun, moon, and planets at the time of your birth. Understanding these celestial placements provides a comprehensive view of your astrological makeup, encompassing personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, emotional resilience, and more.

Moving beyond the Natal Chart, delving into what are known as ‘The Houses’, provides insights into different aspects of life. While I am by no means an expert, the Twelve Houses in your Natal Chart indicate various facets of your life, offering brief definitions:

  • First House: Physical appearance or self-image
  • Second House: Self-worth, values, finances, and material possessions
  • Third House: Learning, communication, and mental outlook
  • Fourth House: Emotional foundation, roots, and family
  • Fifth House: Self-expression, creativity, and romance
  • Sixth House: Daily routines, work, and health
  • Seventh House: Approach to romantic partners and marriage
  • Eighth House: Power, inheritance, and deep emotions
  • Ninth House: Broadening horizons through travel or higher education
  • Tenth House: Life ambitions, career, and public image
  • Eleventh House: Friendships, hopes and dreams, and social causes
  • Twelfth House: Spiritual awakening, tied to the subconscious, dreams, and secrets

Understanding the significance of these Houses adds a layer of specificity to your astrological chart that you definitely don’t get with a mere horoscope!

Before concluding, I’d like to share the five key things that deepened my understanding of astrology and revolutionized my life in the past few years. If you can access similar pathways yourself, I thoroughly encourage you to do so!

Consulting a Chinese Astrologist during the COVID-19 pandemic

During the pandemic, after the advice from a dear friend who had recently seen a Chinese Astrologist, I went and saw the same woman, Denise O’Dwyer. Denise is kind, patient and extremely clued up on the Chinese Zodiac, and specialises in Feng Shui. Denise told me about my Chinese birth chart, explained how elements (fire, wind, metal, water) can influence my chart and how to combat them. The best part? She records the whole Zoom call and shares the audio with you afterwards, so you can listen back and hear her guidance whenever you need to. 

Connecting with my energy

The second thing I did (more recently) in 2023, is go and see Kamarla Claremont. Again this was based on a friend’s recommendation, and has been an absolute game changer for me.  Kamarla is an expert in wellness and skincare but also is a master in Reiki and Seichim. I went to see her to work on my energy or energetics which is quite similar to Reiki, and her calm, talkative and rejuvenating presence helped to adjust my mindset, past traumas I was holding onto and has revolutionised my present and future. 

Download the app “The Pattern”

It was about the time that I was seeing Kamarla earlier this year, that I came across an app called The Pattern. Once the app is downloaded, and your profile created, you have the opportunity to engage with your birth chart, your astrological chart indicating your Houses and Nodes as well as adding friends to understand your relationship with them on a cosmic level. It’s both eye opening and super informative, and a great go-to if you need to re-check in on your path. 

Reading “Saturn Returns” by Caggie Dunlop

Ex-Made In Chelsea star Caggie Dunlop wrote a book called Saturn Returns after the success of her podcast by the same name. I read this earlier in the year and it resonated on so many different levels to hear about Caggie’s own experiences throughout her twenties. Whether it was overwhelm, loss, anxiety, confusion or just generally feeling lost, she details how her Saturn Return brought her many downs, and how she overcame them to guide her to the life she now has. It’s inspiring, informative and fantastic if you’re looking to broaden your astrological horizons. Her book is available at Waterstones and could be a nice little Christmas present to give or receive. 

Learning mantra meditation with Beeja

Last but certainly not least, is something I have surprisingly only come to in the last month. I’ve been a fan of meditation for years, but somehow found it difficult to keep it going with a busy daily schedule. All of the historic mediations I had done had been using apps like Calm or Headspace, I had never done a course or been officially taught. Fortunately a few years ago, my aunt had tried Beeja meditation and has been raving about it ever since, so having seen the positive effects it has had on her, I gave it a whirl. Let’s just say that so far, it has been a month, but I already feel like this is the last thing I needed to bring the other 4 things together. I now meditate for 40 minutes every single day (two lots of 20 minutes) and use my mantra in times of stress. The great news? I’ve never felt better.  

I hope sharing my astrological journey encourages you to explore new avenues or delve deeper into your astrological birth chart, moving beyond surface-level horoscopes. In parting, I emphasize the importance of approaching this journey with an open mind and a willingness to embrace change and learning. While astrology offers valuable insights for self-reflection and decision-making, it is not a strict guide for critical life decisions.

Emily King is the founder of online female-led magazine and a freelance marketing, brand strategy and paid media consultant. Find out more about working with her on her freelance website and don’t forget to follow The C Word Mag on Instagram

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